Before I begin, on a personal note, I want to thank all our fans and supporters for your patience. This year found my personal life in major upheaval with the death of my mother and on the heels of that, the loss of a cousin and a friend. As a result of these events and a late summer move, a lot of things that were planned for the Bushi 15th anniversary celebration were unfortunately shelved. Along with my ability to bring you regular updates here. However, in spite of all that, I'm proud that we were still able to produce a new Bushi book for the anniversary in the form of Bushi: The Koto Files Expanded Edition. A major special thanks goes out to Darryl Anderson for putting in some extra work to produce some new Bushi art for the 15th anniversary. And Although we'll be a bit late getting this out, we'll be dropping one or two versions of the Bushi 15th Anniversary poster in the early part of 2020. Think of it as a late Christmas gift :) And speaking of the impending new year, we've got some things cooking up in the form of the long delayed Core Studios: A Look Ahead, which will feature a look at Bushi: Rise of The Dragon Queen and two new titles, Martial Mystics and Shadow Storm! We're bringing the heat for 2020 ya'll, so keep your eyes peeled on our FB & Instagram pages. In the meantime, wishing you all an early Happy New Year! Be safe, and I'll see you in 2020 - Roberto A