First, a very belated Happy New Year!! Yours truly had a rough end to 2023, which partially carried over a touch into 2024. Suffered a nasty cold and a minor dental issue, but happy to say back at 100%. Now, getting into what's going on with Core Studios for 2024. Knight Rangers will be making an encore appearance at Motor City Comic Con, (as I'll be attending) hopefully with a better central location this year, which should give those that missed out on the ashcan preview a chance to get a copy. And although the Knight Rangers graphic novel was intended to be dropping Fall of this year, it has now been pushed back to Fall of 2025. Primary reason, I wasn't able to make as much progress as I had hoped to and we still need to secure a colorist for the graphic novel. However, there are plans for some Knight Rangers merch to drop this year, possibly at Motor City Comic Con. And on another topic that we've been teasing on our IG page with concept art, yes the 2100 Samurai/Bushi crossover story with Phoenix Press is still very much alive. Details of what the story will entail and which Bushi characters will be involved remains to be seen. But, it is something both studios are looking forward to diving into soon as our respective dockets clear. To say we're geeked at this upcoming project would be an understatement! Anyway, next update I should have information on booth location at motor City and what Knight Rangers merchandise you may be seeing at the con. Best

, Roberto A